Presents the film of the Premiere Production of
Marie's Orchard
The Tostado Productions film of the world premiere of composer Philip Westin's New American Opera Marie's Orchard may be viewed from this web site. Brian Onderdonk conducts and librettist Dylan F. Thomas directs the Center Stage Opera production. Thomas's libretto, set in Nebraska in 1892, was inspired by Willa Cather's novel, O Pioneers! Independent Filmmaker Alex D'Lerma captured the fully-staged production that took place at the Los Angeles Madrid Theatre in June 2011.
Videos from the film have been posted on You Tube and are embedded here. The videos are full HD (1080p), with 48kHz audio. There are three Playlists: (1) Excerpts from the Opera, (2) The Complete Opera by Scenes (12 videos), and (3) The Complete Opera in 2 Acts. Simply click the Excerpts Link, the Complete Opera by Scenes Link, or the Complete Opera in 2 Acts Link below to proceed.
You may navigate throughout a clip by dragging the Progress Bar at the bottom of each clip while it is playing. To view the video on full screen, click on the icon at the lower right side of a clip while the clip is playing (press Esc to return to the original mode).
These videos are copyrighted and may not be altered in any manner; however, you may freely share any video from a computer via Email, Facebook, Twitter or other social media by clicking the "Share" button at the upper right side of each clip.
Excerpts from the Opera
The first Video, HIGHLIGHTS, is a 10-minute compilation of snippets from Westin's
complete 2 1/2-hour opera. The remaining 14 videos comprise the major arias,
duets, and ensemble pieces in the opera.
The videos in this Playlist contain the entire film of Westin's opera (sung in English), with Shira Renee Thomas singing the role of Marie, Benjamin Bunsold singing the role of Emil, Abdiel González as Frank, Jay Stephenson as Anthony, and Adrien Roberts as Angelique. To facilitate viewing on the web, the two-act opera has been
divided into 12 separate videos, each
comprising one or more scenes. In order to maintain continuity, these divisions only occur at natural stopping places within the opera
such as applause or a pause in the action.
The Complete Opera in 2 Acts
The two videos in this Playlist contain the entire film of Westin's opera (sung in English), with
Shira Renee Thomas singing the role of Marie, Benjamin Bunsold singing the role of Emil,
Abdiel González as Frank, Jay Stephenson as Anthony, and Adrien Roberts as Angelique.
